The four Rats in question are named Lee, Mick, Dan, and Ralph.They talk with a stereotypical surfer accent, much like the 1980s versions of the Turtles.They initially mistake you for their friend, June.You have to lure them out with their Trademark Favorite Food: pizza.The mission is called "Splinter Group".In one of Tannis' missions, she sends you into the Bloodshot stronghold to kill four mutant Rat-type enemies."He's on fire!" - Lighting yourself on fire with Burn, Baby, Burn, Fuel the Fire, and/or Delusional Damage."Confusion!" - Accidentally melee-ing yourself due to 'Silence the Voices.'."From Hell's heart!" - Dying with Pull the Pin."I swallowed your soul!" - Scoring a Buzz Axe kill."What an amazing chest, Gwynevere!" - Opening a chest.GO TO SLEEP!" - Killing a Badass (reference to the Jeff The Killer Creepypasta). "Friendship is hate!" - Issuing a duel."It's a bloody business, Bates!" - Building up Bloodlust stacks."Looks like them Puke boys are in a peck o' trouble!" - Catching big air in a vehicle."You're in my spot!" - Using 'Redeem the Soul.'."NO LAST WORDS FOR THE EIGHTH!" and "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" - quotes while falling into Fight-for-Your-Life mode."CARROT JUICE!?" - when accepting a duel."It's the end, but the meat has been prepared!" - Losing a duel.Legendary Sickle: "You're entering a world of pain".His I HEAR YOUR BLOOD mask looks very similar to General Grievous's.In her ECHO logs Gaige says she thinks whatever Marcy has planned for the science fair will look like an Interocitor compared to Deathtrap."Snikt, Snikt Bub!" - When using her With Claws skill."Killing Spree!", "Unstoppable!", "Muh-muh-muh-multi kill-kill-kill!", etc.Robot Rampage: "If one attack is good, then seven should be elected mayor.".Make it Sparkle: "Robots are like vampires: they sparkle when hit with incendiary rounds.".A few to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic:.Paranoid Punk mods, which give the biggest boost to the Annoyed Android skill.Sinful Sweetheart: Ema Skye from Ace Attorney.Metal Blood: Tali from Mass Effect (Naturally, also a Wrench Wench that uses an Attack Drone).

" This is the story / All about how my life got / Flipped, turned upside-down."."I get skills for kills / Such a profitable life / I am rich, biatch."."How hilarious / You just set off my trap card / Your death approaches.".Legendary Killer: "Well, that escalated quickly.".Death Mark: " It's not an easy thing to live with.".Mutant: complete with Leonardo Blue stripe down his helmet.Murder of Cr0ws: (Scarecrow) and Ech0lcation."BIENVENIDOS A LA FIESTA, AMIGO!" note Spanish form of "Welcome to the party, pal!".Legendary Gunzerker: "Nobody puts this baby in a corner.".No Kill Like Overkill: " I'm looking for a really big gun that holds a lot of bullets".Ain't Got Time to Bleed / Sexual Tyrannosaurus.