Crank yankers record store
Crank yankers record store

crank yankers record store

I really didn't think the bleeping was a big deal, but some people enjoy an F-bomb caressing their ear. It's odd to see that the puppet makers included nipples on their felt creations, but if you wondered what that was like, this set is the way to go. The big selling point of this set is that it's uncensored, which means that all the puppet nudity that was blurred and the cursing that was bleeped, is included in its untouched form. Small interstitials serve as transitions between the various locales of fictional Yankerville. The shows fly by, at 22 minutes a piece, with six or seven calls in each, some longer than others. Some of the best segments of the show came during the first season, including the sweetly-retarded Special Ed (Jim Florentine) calling tech support, creating the show's signature cry of "I got mail! Yay!", Sav Macauley of The Phone Zone (Dane Cook) calling a crazy military man and Shavin (Dave Chappelle) trying to book the Wu-Tang Clan rooms at a bed-and-breakfast. The quality of the calls can be hit or miss, depending on the responses by "The Mark," but on a whole, they tend to be pretty good. The calls are rarely abusive, as the jokes tend to be more fun and goofy, which raises the show above the level of The Jerky Boys. The premise is simple, as Kimmel, Adam Corolla and a crew of guest comics, including Kevin Nealon, Jim Florentine, Billy West and Tracy Morgan, act out a cast of outrageous characters calling people and harrassing them.

crank yankers record store

Who could have bet against that formula? Jimmy Kimmell ("The Jimmy Kimmel Show", The Man Show") and his production partners didn't, turning their love of prank phone calls into one of Comedy Central's most popular shows. Ed is not present in the revival due to the character being deemed too offensive for modern audiences.Comics + Puppets + Crank Calls.Ed makes a cameo in one of Bobby's prank calls, such as the "Let Me Put My Brother on the Phone" call.In the video store call, he works in several references to The Shining.

crank yankers record store

In two prank calls of his own (one to a movie theater and one to a video store), Ed reveals that his favorite movie is Air Bud.

crank yankers record store

Calls a community pool and says sorry for peeing in the pool.Calls an employee at a Mexican restaurant using his love of the Spanish language.Calls the barber shop and asks the man if he wants a haircut.Calls various places and keeps saying Donkey Kong.Called a hillbilly and tells him knock knock jokes.Calls a movie theater and asks the guy in the ticket booth how many tickets costs.Called a record store and sings his favorite song to the record store clerk until he gets it right.Called a Chuck E Cheese employee and tells her it is his birthday.Called a tech support and tells him he got mail.Called an employee at a restaurant and tells her he loves spaghetti.The counselor caught on and knew he was from Crank Yankers! Asked a librarian to define "moron" while repeatedly hushing her because she is in a library.Fell asleep while calling a cough medicine store.Called a donut store just to yell "YAY! IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS!".He also calls men "ladies" and calls women "mister." He constantly repeats himself, makes random comments, and shouts "Yay!" (his catchphrase) until the other caller gets frustrated. Special Ed is an intellectually immature and disabled 16-year-old who is Bobby Fletcher's younger cousin.Įd is cognitively impaired, immature, and childish.

Crank yankers record store