Bernhardt, born in 1850, came to America in June 1868.” He lived on Wards Island, New York, until sometime after October 1873, when he arrived in Iowa. Melchior came to America in the summer of 1867 and is listed in the 1870 census in Iowa County, Iowa. “Bernhardt and Melchior Salber were brother who emigrated from Herdtlinsweiler, Oberamt Gmuend, Wuerttemberg. 19.Ībstract: Summary of a family history submitted to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the state of Minnesota. “Our Ancestors in 1858: The Salber Brothers of Wuerttemberg.” Germanic Genealogy Journal, vol. Immigrants, German/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-Canada)/ Canada

97 German immigrants, who had landed in Quebec on June 26, were killed when the entire train was hurled into the Richelieu River. 97-124.Ībstract: This article offers a chronological account of the railway disaster that occurred on Jin Beloeil, P.Q. “La catastrophe du pont ferroviaire de Beloeil.” Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch / German-Canadian Yearbook, vol. The Little Prince is a story for all ages, providing profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature, and emphasizing the importance of innocence and love.įiction/ Juvenile/ Pennsylvania-German dialect/ Writing/ Literature, Pennsylvania-German/ Literature, juvenile Louden.Ībstract: The Little Prince is the most read and also the most translated book in the French language, having appeared in more than 180 languages and now available in Pennsylvania Dutch. Iwwersetzt aus’s Frentsche in’s Pennsylfaanisch-Deitsche vum Mark L. Neckarsteinach, Germany: Edition Tintenfass, 2006. Geography/ Wisconsin/ Farm life/ Land ethic/ Agriculture/ German Americans - Wisconsin/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Emigration and immigration (Germany-US)/ Wisconsin - Dane County/ Cross Plains (Wis.) “In order to provide a more detailed view, a typical village is portrayed, and the landholdings of individual families there are analyzed.” 37-55, ill.Ībstract: Examines the situation of farmers in the Cologne Bay (Koelner Bucht) before their emigration to Cross Plains, Wisconsin, looking at geographic and climatic conditions, the ways and means of farming, and the size of landholdings. Madison, Wis.: Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, 2006, pp. Heike Bungert, Cora Lee Kluge, and Robert C. “Before Cross Plains: The Immigrants from Cologne Bay.” Wisconsin German Land and Life. Jahrhunderts (Europaeische Hochschulschriften, Reihe I: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 1221) Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1991,” German Studies Review, 1993, pp. Amerika ist anders: Studien zum Amerika-Bild in deutschen Reiseberichten des 20. A brief introduction covering the history of the people both in Europe and America will be followed by the main body of material covering the attitudes of the group as revealed by the activities of the older as well as the younger people in regard to such topics as private property, education, marriage and family life, amusements and recreation, State and community, church and religion, superstitions, and others that may suggest themselves in the course of the study.”įrisians/ Assimilation/ Research/ Immigrants, German/ Language, German (US) - Dialects/ Low German dialect/ Ethnic identity/ Attitudes/ Social life and customs. The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of assimilation through noting (1) the attitudes of the older generation (2) the attitudes of the later generations (3) the changes that have taken place in attitudes and customs (4) some of the factors involved in the changes. Not only are they American born, but they know but little of the traditions and the land of their fathers. The second and third generations are now occupying the land. 123 pp.Ībstract: “The Eastfriesian people have made a notable contribution to the development of the Middle West. “The Eastfriesians in the United States: A Study in the Process of Assimilation.” University of Iowa, 1930. They also includes additional online resources related to German Americana. These pages contain information on pamphlets, journals and journal articles, book chapters, and more from the Library and Archives of the Max Kade Institute. Please note: In the majority of bibliographic records, MKI has not used umlauts.

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